Fit Society

Cucumber BLT’s

Cucumber BLT’s


Cucumber BLT’s ???⠀
HappyWednesday { These are super quick + tasty. Be sure to use large English cucumbers for the best taste, and choose your favorite condiments or sauce.⠀
Next time I think I’ll add a few slices of sliced turkey too!⠀
Let me know if you try it, and how it goes for you! }⠀
makes 3-4 servings⠀

2 large English cucumbers, cut into 3⠀
6 slices nitrate free bacon, cooked⠀
2-3 lettuce leaves⠀
1 garden fresh tomato, thinly sliced⠀
4 thin slices cheddar cheese (optional)⠀

Optional sauce ideas:⠀
organic mustard, dijon mustard, avocado mayonnaise, hummus, OR smashed avocado.⠀

Slice cucumbers in half lengthwise, as shown then cut into 3 pieces each. Using a spoon, scoop out the seeds and discard.⠀
Layer lettuce, cheese, tomato and bacon on one half of the cucumber, optional sauce/condiment of choice, sea salt and pepper to taste then top with the other half.⠀
Serve immediately and enjoy!



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Hatice Demir

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