Fit Society

’Cheesy’ pasta with white beans (cannellini) and greens

’Cheesy’ pasta with white beans (cannellini) and greens


’Cheesy’ pasta with white beans (cannellini) and greens? Oil-free, nut-free and super quick to make.⠀
?Recipe: Cook pasta as per packet directions. Whisk: 2 cups plant milk (I like using oat milk), 1 tsp garlic powder, 1/2 tsp dried thyme, 2 tbsp tapioca (or arrowroot). Heat in saucepan while whisking. Once warm, keep whisking and add 4 tbsp nutritional yeast. Continue to cook and whisk until sauce almost reaches desired thickness. Reduce heat to low and whisk in 1 to 2 tsp mellow miso (or to taste) until all dissolved. Add salt and black pepper to taste. Stir in some chopped greens and mix until greens just wilted. Remove from heat. Mix with about 3 to 4 cups cooked pasta and about 3/4 cup cooked white beans, or preferred amount. Top with fresh thyme leaves and red chili flakes…yum!



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Hatice Demir

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