Vegan Meals

Coconut Caramel slice by @panaceas_pantry⠀ Headover to her page for loads of del…

Coconut Caramel slice by @panaceas_pantry⠀
Headover to her page for loads of del…


Coconut Caramel slice by @panaceas_pantry⠀
Headover to her page for loads of deliciously healthy recipes!⠀
#recipe ?⠀
50 grams flax seeds, ground into a meal⠀
1 1/4 cups shredded coconut⠀
1/4 cup cacao⠀
Pinch good-quality salt⠀
6 medjool dates, pitted⠀
2-3 Tbsp rice malt syrup⠀
2 cups medjool dates, pitted⠀
1/2 cup hulled tahini OR peanut butter if tolerated⠀
1/4 cup rice malt syrup⠀
1/2 tsp good-quality salt⠀
1/4 cup coconut condensed milk⠀
100grams vegan dark chocolate⠀
1 Tbsp coconut condensed milk⠀

1. Add flax meal, coconut, cacao and salt to a high-speed food processor. Pulse until combined. Add dates and 2 Tbsp rice malt, and pulse to forma sticky base. Add more rice malt is needed.⠀⠀
2. Press mixture into the base of preferred cake tin (I used a 15cm square one)⠀⠀
3. Add all caramel ingredients to a high-speed blender, and blend until very smooth. You will need to scrape the sides at least one.⠀⠀
4. Pour over your base layer, smooth with a hot spoon, and set in the freezer while you make the choc top.⠀⠀
5. Add chocolate and coconut condensed milk to a heat-proof bowl and melt over a pop of simmering water. Once melted pour onto of caramel base.⠀⠀
6. Allow to set in the freezer for atlas 4 hours. To serve, remove from freezer and cake tin. Use a very hot knife to slice into desired serves. Store in an air-tight container, and Enjoy!



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