Fit Society

Chicken, fettuccine, and broccolini

Chicken, fettuccine, and broccolini


Chicken, fettuccine, and broccolini to balance out the fries, cheese, and wine I ate tonight ? Dinner was at a poutine pop-up restaurant in downtown dc hosted by @aircanada ??(for those of you who don’t know, poutine is the french fry-based national dish of Canada), and what the meal lacked in nutritious, it made up for in delicious (pics posted to my stories ?)! Throwing it back to this plate from a few nights aglo, which was delicious in a very different (read: healthier) way ?⠀
whatsonmyplate: grilled lemon honey garlic sage chicken ?? •• grilled broccolini ?: drizzle with avocado oil and season with salt & pepper, then grill on a cast iron plate for ~10 mins or until crispy tender •• garlic & herb pasta: toss cooked @cappellos almond flour fettuccine with olive oil, fresh basil & parsley, lemon juice, and parmesan cheese.



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