Fit Society

Cheese Stuffed Turkey Meatballs in Bolognese and Teriyaki Chicken Meal Preps.

Cheese Stuffed Turkey Meatballs in Bolognese and Teriyaki Chicken Meal Preps.


Cheese Stuffed Turkey Meatballs in Bolognese and Teriyaki Chicken Meal Preps.
The turkey meatballs are stuffed with mozzarella cheese and served on top of a homemade bolognese sauce. The bolognese is so easy to make and it tastes so much better than the jarred junk. My favorite part of making your own sauce is that you can add any kind of vegetables you want to it. I make a mirepoix with extra carrots and celery to add more nutrients. When mixed with the tomatoes, the flavor of the carrots and celery are masked. .
The teriyaki chicken is uses a homemade sauce to reduce any added sugar that the premade sauces have. The homemade sauce is sweetened with pineapple juice and honey instead of cane sugar. I use the sauce on both the chicken and vegetables. It makes the vegetables suck much less. The chicken is a chicken thigh. The thighs have more fat than the breasts and the extra fat content helps it stay moist in the refrigerator. .

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