Fit Society

Buttery shrimp, sweet potato fries, and the other half of the avocado from breakfast

Buttery shrimp, sweet potato fries, and the other half of the avocado from breakfast


Buttery shrimp, sweet potato fries, and the other half of the avocado from breakfast ?? Buttery toast this morning, buttery shrimp this evening ? Basically just going to start adding ghee to everything because I’m convinced that it makes everything taste better ? ⠀
Had these shrimp frozen from last week so I thawed them out in the skillet and paired with some crispy sweet potato fries ? I made a big batch of sweet potatoes for the week- I always cut my sweet potatoes in different shapes that way it feels different throughout the week ?? Chips, fries, cubes, whole, toast style- you can have them so many ways ? To reheat the shrimp I added them to the skillet with a tiny bit of ghee and they held their flavor pretty well! To keep my avocado green- I put a little lemon or lime juice on it and put it in a container or aluminum foil. That helps to keep it from browning ?? It was cloudy and rainy all day today so this summery, bright meal was much needed this evening ? Heading out now for an evening run ??‍♀️Hope you all had a great start to your week ? ⠀
healthyfood details ?? Shrimp sautéed in ghee + 1/2 avocado + sweet potato fries (an easy recipe is 1 tsp avocado oil on 1-2 sweet potatoes, bake at 400F for 20 mins on each side and sprinkle with pink Himalayan salt if you want!



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Hatice Demir

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