Fit Society

Busy days call for simple & nourishing meals

Busy days call for simple & nourishing meals


Busy days call for simple & nourishing meals ?❤️ this bowl!⠀
These easy sesame chickpeas are one of my favorite recipes on the blog, and they pair perfectly with quinoa, steamed broccoli, and avocado ? Recipe ??⠀
2 cans chickpeas⠀
4 cloves garlic⠀
1.5 tbsp toasted sesame oil⠀
1/3 cup tamari or soy sauce⠀
3 tbsp maple syrup⠀
1.5 tbsp rice vinegar⠀
1/3 tsp ground ginger⠀
1.5 tbsp arrowroot powder⠀
4 tbsp vegetable broth, divided⠀
Drain and rinse the chickpeas and set aside. ⠀
Mince the garlic and add to a sauté pan with the toasted sesame oil. ⠀
Sauté for a few minutes or until the garlic is very fragrant. ⠀
In a small bowl combine the arrowroot powder and 3 tbsp of the vegetable broth and mix until no clumps remain. ⠀
To the sauté pan with the garlic, add in the tamari, maple syrup, rice vinegar, ginger, and the additional tbsp of vegetable broth. Whisk together. ⠀
Add in the arrowroot mixture and stir. ⠀
Cook on low heat for a few minutes. ⠀
When bubbles start to form, add in the chickpeas and stir until they are well coated. ⠀
Cook on low heat until the sauce becomes thick and sticky. ⠀
Serve with steamed broccoli, quinoa, or rice.



Yazar Hakkında

Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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