Fit Society

Buffalo Black Bean & Roasted Veggie Quesadillas

Buffalo Black Bean & Roasted Veggie Quesadillas


Buffalo Black Bean & Roasted Veggie Quesadillas by @thevegansara ? Tag someone you’d share some with! ⠀
Check out the recipe: ​ ⠀
What you’ll need: The buffalo sauce: 1/2 cup hot sauce, 3 tbl refined coconut oil, 1 tbl sugar ( I used coconut), 2 tsp apple cider vinegar, 1/2 tsp oregano The filling: 1 cup frozen corn, 1 cup frozen cauliflower rice, 1 can black beans rinsed and drained, 2 green onions finely chopped, 1/4 cup vegan blue cheese, 2 cups shredded vegan cheese, 8 count (8 in)flour tortillas.⠀
What you do:⠀
1. Spread corn & cauliflower rice on parchment lined baking sheet season with salt/ pepper as desired, bake at 400 F for 20 min shaking pan half way through⠀
2. While veggies are roasting, make buffalo sauce, whisk together all ingredients until oil has melted and well combined over low heat. Set aside⠀
3. In a large bowl combine green onions, black beans, roasted veggies, and 1/4 cup buffalo sauce ( the left over sauce will be for dipping)⠀
4. Time to make the quesadillas: On 1/2 Of the tortilla, in layers add shredded cheese, 1/4 Cup filling, 1 tbl blue cheese dressing, and more cheese, fold over the empty side of the tortilla onto the layers & press down to seal ⠀
5. On a nonstick pan over medium heat, cook quesadilla until bottom is golden & crisp about 3 min, then flip to the other side, cook another 2-3 min . Repeat. You should have about 8 quesadillas. I cut mine and served them with the left over buffalo sauce for dipping.



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Hatice Demir

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