Fit Society

Asparagus & Sun-dried Tomato Stuffed Chicken Skillet

Asparagus & Sun-dried Tomato Stuffed Chicken Skillet


Asparagus & Sun-dried Tomato Stuffed Chicken Skillet ??? ⠀
{Asparagus is in season right now! Not only is this vegetable a TOTAL POWERHOUSE for nutrition, it’s very versatile and beautiful to add to all of your Spring & Summer meals!⠀
This skillet is one of my all time favorite Springtime meals.⠀
I hope you LOVE it!⠀
Asparagus contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients help to reduce chronic health problems including type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer.⠀
Asparagus also contains good amounts of inulin, which becomes a food source for good and healthy gut bacteria. Good bacteria in our digestive tract will help with better nutrient absorption, a lower risk of allergies, and lower risk of colon cancer.}⠀
makes 4 servings⠀

Ingredients: ⠀
4 large chicken breasts ⠀
1 Tbsp avocado oil, or olive oil ⠀
1 Tbsp fresh lemon zest (optional, but amazing!)⠀
sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to your taste ⠀
12 small asparagus stalks, ends trimmed ⠀
4 small slices high-quality mozzarella cheese ⠀
4 Tbsps sun-dried tomatoes, chopped ⠀
1 tsp garlic salt⠀

Instructions: ⠀
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees f. ⠀
Cut the chicken breast in half, length-wise, but just enough to make a pocket, as shown. ⠀
Rub the inside of the chicken breast with lemon zest, sea salt and pepper. ⠀
Place chicken on a cutting board and stuff each equally with the mozzarella, asparagus and sun dried tomato, then fold over. Insert a large toothpick to close the pocket. ⠀
Rub the chicken with a pinch of garlic salt and pepper. ⠀
Heat oil in a large and oven safe skillet over medium-high heat. ⠀
Sear the chicken for 3 minutes per side then place the skillet in the oven. ⠀
Bake in your preheated 375 degree oven for about 15-20 minutes, or until cooked through and no longer pink in the inside. ⠀



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Hatice Demir

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