Fit Society

Wrap n’ Bake Samosas

Wrap n’ Bake Samosas


Wrap n’ Bake Samosas – here’s a fun weekend project, samosas! They’re made with store bought tortilla making it so much easier to make (yet delicious).⠀

4 cups of Yukon gold potatoes diced into 1/3 inch cubes (about 4 medium potatoes)⠀
1 cup frozen peas⠀
1 tbsp oil⠀
2 tsp mustard seeds⠀
2 tsp cumin seeds⠀
1/2 tsp turmeric⠀
1 tsp chili powder⠀
1 garlic clove minced⠀
1/2 inch grated ginger⠀
1 tbsp finely chopped cilantro⠀
1/2 tsp of Garam Masala⠀
8 pieces of 10 inch flour tortillas⠀
flour paste: 3 tbsp flour mixed with equal parts water (to seal the tortilla)⠀
1 Cover potatoes with water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, reduce to simmer cook till fork tender about 8 min⠀
2 Using large frying pan add oil on med heat then add mustard & cumin seeds. Cook until seeds begin to brown & pop, about 1 min⠀
3 Add garlic, ginger, turmeric & chili powder, stir 2 min⠀
3 Add potatoes, cook 5 minutes, stirring frequently, add peas half way through ⠀
4 Mash potatoes a bit, you don’t want the pieces too big, but not too small. Add salt, cilantro, and Garam Masala, mix, let cool⠀
5 Cut Tortilla in 1/2. Take one of the halves place the straight edge closest to you. Take left corner bring it up to the top of the crescent so it forms a triangle. (swipe to the right for video on this) Take right corner so it crosses over the first fold and forms an equal sized triangle on top. Use the flour paste to seal the edge of the seam. Press firmly. Hold the folded shell upright so it is in the shape of a cone.Add 2 tbsp potato filling to the inside of the cone. Then seal the top of cone with flour paste. Press firmly to ensure you have a good seal.Repeat.⠀
6 Mist with oil. Bake on parchment lined baking sheet seam side down at 400 F for 8 min, flip samosas, bake for another 4 min. Enjoy!



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Hatice Demir

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