Food Minimalist

Wishing I was snacking on these deliciously smokey sweet potato fries with easy …

Wishing I was snacking on these deliciously smokey sweet potato fries with easy …


Wishing I was snacking on these deliciously smokey sweet potato fries with easy avocado mash right now ✨ It’s a gorgeous day here and I’ve been spending the whole day outside which feels SO refreshing ☀️ Hope you’re all having a beautiful Friday! ✨.
Fry deets ??: a large sweet potato cut into fry shapes, tossed in garlic powder + smoked paprika. Bake at 450 F for 25 mins. Meanwhile, mash together 1 small avocado with the juice of 1 lime + a pinch of salt. Enjoy! ?



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Hatice Demir

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