Vegan Meals

This SMOKY CHIPOTLE MAC and “CHEESE” and CRISPY HALIBUT just made my belly happy…

This SMOKY CHIPOTLE MAC and “CHEESE” and CRISPY HALIBUT just made my belly happy…


This SMOKY CHIPOTLE MAC and “CHEESE” and CRISPY HALIBUT just made my belly happy. It was so creamy and tasty. If you saw my stories I did a tutorial of this crispy halibut. If not, check it out if your interested! Happy Wednesday loves. It’s been a week for work, getting interrupted by furniture being delivered about 3-4 times a day…BUT only a couple pieces left and the place will be complete. I’m going to do a walk through on my stories once it is because I’m loving it. Hope you are all having a fantastic week! •

Deets: Lemon Garlic Brussels (steamed for about 4 minutes then sautéed in 1/2 tablespoon ghee or coconut oil and seasoned with salt/pepper/garlic powder on medium high then a little lemon zest at the end.) avocado, Pan seared halibut (see my stories), and @eatbanza Pasta with this smoky sauce and tomatoes with cilantro. Sauce: 1 medium sweet potato (Could sub carrots or squash) peeled and chopped, 1 medium Yukon gold potato peeled and chopped, 1 garlic clove, 1/8 teaspoon turmeric, 1-2 tablespoons lime (or lemon) juice, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon chipotle powder, 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons coconut aminos, 1/4 cup nutritional yeast, 1/2 teaspoon mustard. Boil potatoes and garlic until soft, then blend together with 3/4 cup of the veggie water with the rest of ingredients until smooth. #resolvetoeatmorepasta •

#macandcheese #avocado #makesmewhole #kaylaitsines #healthylunch #healthypasta #foodblogger #pasta #iamwellandgood #easymeals #cuisinesworld #wholesome #goodmoodfood #glutenfree #wholefoods #feedfeed #droolclub #dairyfree #foodfreedom #foodphotography #chefsofinstagram #tastingtable #eatingwelleats #healthylifestyle #eatclean #healthyfoodporn #halibut #healthydinner



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