Food Minimalist

Sharing some color wraps filled with all the goods: spiced tofu crumble, nacho …


Sharing some color ? wraps filled with all the goods: spiced tofu crumble, nacho “cheese”, sautéed bell peppers, corn, purple cabbage, onions, and cilantro.
I just want to share what’s happening here in the Philippines. The inflation rate of goods hit a high of 6.4% the other day which is really alarming because cost of nearly everything has risen and it can really be seen in food prices. The increase in food prices that some people may not necessarily be greatly affected by is really impacting A LOT of families especially those with tight budgets and small incomes. I really hope the situation improves soon. All that’s happened has made me look at my food and appreciate it more because I’m blessed to be able to purchase more than what I need while others struggle to feed their families. So it really disappoints me to see people who don’t finish their food and let us go to waste because so many people don’t have food in their plates. If you happen to go on a food buffet please only get what you can finish. Really sad to see people who get waaay more than they can eat just because it’s already paid for or something. ? anyway just wanted to share this and I really hope the situation improves soon.



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Hatice Demir

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