Vegan Meals

Vegan ‘Swede’ Som Tam from one of my favourite accounts @mymeatlessmeals ⠀ ⠀ Ing…

Vegan ‘Swede’ Som Tam from one of my favourite accounts @mymeatlessmeals ⠀


Vegan ‘Swede’ Som Tam from one of my favourite accounts @mymeatlessmeals ?⠀
• bird’s eye chilies* (I use 10 g, but you can go for less or more if you dare).⠀
• 40 g green beans, cut into 1 inch pieces • 10 g garlic⠀
• 120 g shredded swede (or julienned)⠀
• 40 g cherry tomatoes, halved⠀
• 1/4 cup roasted peanuts⠀
• 1/4 tsp Himalayan salt⠀
• 2 tbs fresh lime juice⠀
• 1 tbs light soy sauce • 1 tbs coconut sugar ? ⠀
1. Begin by crushing garlic and chilies in a mortar, using a pestle, followed by green beans.⠀
2. Add salt, light soy sauce, coconut sugar, and lime juice, using a pestle to mix everything together. Make sure the sugar is fully dissolved before adding cherry tomatoes and pan roasted peanuts. ⠀
3. If you use a mortar and a pestle, lightly crush and mix all the ingredients together as shown in video. If you don’t have a mortar nor a pestle- pour the dressing over shredded swede and toss everything together in the same manner you would when making a salad. ⠀
4. Serve immediately with a side of steamed sticky rice or as salad.⠀
5. Indulge. ?




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