Sweet Deals

Hello my dears! Who wants apple pie with crumble? Fresh out of the oven …

Hello my dears!
Who wants apple pie with crumble? Fresh out of the oven …


Hello my dears!
Who wants apple pie with crumble? Fresh out of the oven.
Mhhh this scent …
How was your day yesterday With us the weather was totally shitty! But still a great day with my loved ones! ,
Got an apple crumble cake for today, baked with apples and applesauce, unfortunately it's not that healthy. Do you still want the recipe? It tastes delicious !!!! You can change it a bit though.
The winners of our #friedefreudeeiersuche Challenge @fabulous_kitchen creations in cooperation with @ got7nutrition, @ qi2pro and @spice_bar will be announced in our story today.
We thank you for the great contributions and the effort you have made !! ??
It was really fun and it is a shame that it is over now.
Have a nice Easter Monday! Enjoy the long weekend ?.
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