Fit Society

Vegan stuffed peppers

Vegan stuffed peppers


Vegan stuffed peppers⠀
These vegan stuffed peppers are filled with healthy ingredients and are rich in protein. The recipe is gluten-free, plant-based, easy to make and very tasty. ⠀
4 bell peppers⠀
2 cups cooked rice of choice⠀
1 cup textured soy protein or chickpeas⠀
1/2 cup light coconut milk⠀
1/2 cup chopped bell peppers (any color you like)⠀
4 tbsp crushed tomatoes⠀
1 medium-sized onion, chopped⠀
2 cloves garlic, minced⠀
2 tbsp soy sauce (wheat-free if GF)⠀
1 tbsp oil (e.g. sesame oil or coconut oil)⠀
1 tbsp peanut butter⠀
1/2 tbsp curry powder⠀
1/4 tsp smoked paprika⠀
salt and pepper to taste⠀
vegan cheese sauce⠀
chopped chives to taste⠀
Cook your favorite rice according to packaging instructions. You will need 2 cups of cooked rice for this recipe⠀
Soak 1 cup of textured soy protein (TVP) in a bowl with 1 cup of hot water (or vegetable broth) and set aside for 5-10 minutes (skip this step if you are going to use chickpeas). The TVP will begin to fluff and absorb all the liquid⠀
With a knife, carefully remove the “lids” of the 4 bell peppers and also discard all the seeds⠀
Heat oil in a skillet, add the chopped onion, minced garlic, the textured soy protein and fry for 4-5 minutes over medium heat⠀
Add the chopped 1/2 cup bell peppers, crushed tomatoes, soy sauce, peanut butter, spices (curry, smoked paprika), salt/pepper to taste and coconut milk to the skillet and let simmer for about 5 minutes on low-medium heat. Stir occasionally⠀
Now add the cooked rice and check if the mixture needs more salt/pepper/spices⠀
Fill the 4 peppers with the rice/veggie mixture, add your favorite vegan cheese to taste or make my easy vegan cheese sauce, and cook in the oven at 190 degrees C (about 375 degrees F) for about 30-45 minutes. You will probably have some leftovers of the rice/veggie mixture⠀
Enjoy your stuffed vegan peppers!



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