Fit Society

ULTIMATE LOADED Chili Sweet Potato Fries

ULTIMATE LOADED Chili Sweet Potato Fries


ULTIMATE LOADED Chili Sweet Potato Fries ???⠀
Taco Tuesday CFC Style ???⠀
Not your average “health food” because CRUSHers aren’t average.⠀
makes about 4 servings ⠀
4 large sweet potatoes, or yams ⠀
fresh ground black pepper, to taste⠀
2 Tbsps olive or avocado oil⠀
1 tsp garlic powder⠀
1 lb. lean grass fed ground beef, or turkey ⠀
1 white/yellow onion, diced⠀
2-3 garlic cloves, minced⠀
1/4 cup chipotle peppers in adobo sauce⠀
1 cup frozen organic corn, thawed or fresh 1 head of corn shred from its cob⠀
1 tsp chili powder⠀
1 tsp ground cumin ⠀
1 tsp dried oregano⠀
1 tsp paprika⠀
1 (15 oz. jar) diced tomatoes, with juice⠀
15 oz. black beans, drained and rinsed if using canned ⠀
sea salt to taste ⠀
Extra toppings: sliced avocado, halved cherry tomatoes, organic sour cream or plain Greek yogurt, shredded cheese, fresh chopped parsley or cilantro, lime wedges, etc.⠀

Instructions: ⠀
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees f. and line a large baking sheet (or two) with parchment paper or silicone baking mats.⠀

Cut the sweet potatoes into 1/2 inch fries, evenly as shown and place them into a large bowl.⠀

Sprinkle fries with pepper and garlic powder, then drizzle with oil. Toss well to get all of your fries nicely coated.⠀

Arrange in a single layer, with some space in between (so they can crisp up), on the baking sheets and bake for 20 to 25 minutes, flipping once during roasting time.⠀

Meanwhile, heat a large (lidded) skillet over medium heat then add in your beef, onions and garlic. Cook, stirring frequently for about 6-7 minutes, or until meat starts to brown while breaking up the meat. ⠀
Add in seasonings, chipotle peppers, corn, black beans and diced tomatoes then gently stir to combine. Reduce heat to low, cover with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes to allow flavors to develop and chilli to thicken. Taste test, and add a sprinkle of sea salt if desired.⠀

Sprinkle fries with sea salt when they come out of the oven.



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Hatice Demir

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