Vegan Meals

Tofu bokchoy potstickers, anyone? . Happy Thursday, my Insta friends. Hope every…

Tofu bokchoy potstickers, anyone?
Happy Thursday, my Insta friends. Hope every…


Tofu bokchoy potstickers, anyone?
Happy Thursday, my Insta friends?. Hope everyone with the super cold weather is fine, stay warm!????
Are you a dumpling fan? Dumpling is one of the many traditional dishes that Chinese family make together and eat during Chinese New Year. Sending you this dish today as I’m practicing my pleating skills for the celebration next week.?
~ 1/2 block of firm tofu, drained and pat dry and cut into small cubes
~ 8 caps of Chinese mushrooms, soaked until soft, chopped
~ 2 tsp black bean sauce (substitute with 2 tsp soy sauce + 1/2 tsp maple syrup)
~ 1lb bok choy, washed and julienned into thin strips
~ 1 package of dumpling wrapper
~ sesame oil
~ salt and pepper to taste
Place julienned bok choy in a large bowl with 1/2 tsp salt, using your hands, gently fold all the veggies together. Set aside for 15-20mins. In a heated pan with 1tsp oil, saute mushrooms until lightly brown, add black bean sauce and stir until well combined, set aside and pan fry tofu cubes until lightly brown. Place both ingredients in a big bowl.
Using a cheesecloth or just with your palms, squeeze as much liquid out as possible from your bok choy. Add to your tofu mixture, combine well & season.
Place a dollop of mixture in the middle of your wrapper, moisten side with water and pleat to seal. Repeat until you are done with your mixture and then pan fry them.?
In a heated pan with oil, place dumpling, bottom side down and cook until brownish, add enough boiling water to cover part of the dumpling, cover lid. Turn heat to low-medium and let simmer until all water is absorbed. Serve with gingery black vinegar and chili.
What do you think of this? Would you make some and celebrate with me??
Have a great?Thursday, everyone.
#dumplings #potstickers #bestofvegan #chinesenewyear #hushgloss #dumplingsfordays
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@bonappetitmag @food52



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