Vegan Meals

These quick and easy vegan chocolate chip cookies are made with only 7-ingredien…

These quick and easy vegan chocolate chip cookies are made with only 7-ingredien…


These quick and easy vegan chocolate chip cookies are made with only 7-ingredients, require only 1 bowl and are ready in 25 minutes! They are also seriously delicious.⠀
Get the full recipe by clicking the link in @delicious_plants profile.⠀
Underbake them for a fudgier cookie, or overbake them for a crunchier cookie. We like ours fudgy, dipped in almond milk while they are still warm and the chocolate is melted. ⠀
Do you like your cookies fudgy or crunchy? ——————————————⠀
Music: Doing Just Fine – Lakey Inspired -⠀
#veganchochipcookies #vegansweets #veganrecipe #vegandessert




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