Fit Society

Teriyaki Fried Rice

Teriyaki Fried Rice


Teriyaki Fried Rice: fried rice is easily one of my go-to dishes on days when I only have minutes to prepare a meal! So easy especially if you’ve got your ingredients ready! I usually opt for frozen veggies and pre-cooked rice/quinoa or basically whatever I have on hand. Plus a good sauce is also a must! Or you can stick with some soy sauce too ? ⠀
Homemade Teriyaki Sauce⠀
Makes 1 cup ⠀
1/2 cup soy sauce⠀
1/4 cup + 1tbsp water⠀
1/3 cup coconut sugar (or other sugar of choice)⠀
1 tsp minced garlic⠀
1 tsp ginger powder (or 1 tsp grated fresh ginger) ⠀
1/2 tbsp cornstarch + 1 tbsp water⠀
1. In a bowl, mix the corn starch and water. ⠀
2. Add in the rest of the ingredients. Mix.⠀
3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and leave to boil, stirring occasionally. ⠀
4. Leave to simmer until the sauce thickens from the cornstarch, around 7 minutes. ⠀
5. Turn off heat and set aside to use for a the fried rice or other dishes. ⠀
Teriyaki Fried Rice ⠀
3 cups leftover rice/quinoa⠀
1/2 cup firm tofu, sliced into small cubes⠀
1/4 cup bell peppers, diced⠀
1/4 cup corn⠀
1/4 cup carrots, diced⠀
1/4 cup peas ⠀
1/4 cup purple cabbage, shredded⠀
2 garlic cloves, minced ⠀
1/3-1/2 cup teriyaki sauce (depends how flavorful you want it) ⠀
2 tbsp sesame oil ⠀
1. Heat a large pan. Pour in 2 tbsp sesame oil. ⠀
2. Sauté the garlic until slightly golden brown. Add in the vegetables and tofu. ⠀
3. Cook until tender. Mix in the rice/quinoa. ⠀
4. Pour in the teriyaki sauce and cook for 2-3 minutes. ⠀
5. Turn off heat and enjoy while hot! Feel free to add more teriyaki sauce before eating! That’s what I did and it was really good!

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