Fit Society

teriyaki chicken and chick pea noodles

teriyaki chicken and chick pea noodles


Homemade “takeout” for the win! FOUR INGREDIENT TERIYAKI SAUCE with this teriyaki chicken and chick pea noodles. Happy Thursday loves. Hope you’re all having a great week. Finally feeling 80% better, as I have been sick with a cold all week. Still taking it easy. What’s your favorite take out dish?⠀
deets: Chicken: seasoned with garlic powder, salt and pepper (I seared this on the stove but you could also bake it or pressure cook it) then tossed in the sauce. Sauce: 1 tablespoon tamari soy sauce, 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon coconut aminos and 1-2 teaspoon of honey. Served with @eatbanza pasta with a drizzle of sesame oil and sautéed broccoli rabe (tossed with salt pepper and fresh garlic)



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