Vegan Meals

Sushi Donuts! I know, I know, I just couldn’t help myself and went all foodie IG…

Sushi Donuts! I know, I know, I just couldn’t help myself and went all foodie IG…


Sushi Donuts! I know, I know, I just couldn’t help myself and went all foodie IG trendy ??‍♀️. An assortment of raw veggies, avo, even squash blossoms, found at the farmers market. Topped with sesame seeds, pickled ginger and a sriracha mayo ? I’m bringing this dish to Nick’s #inspiredbynick10k party ? I got inspired by Nick’s bagel pic with all those amazing food combos. Nick’s account @inspiredbynick puts a smile on my face and always makes me hungry. I hope you like them Nick and happy 10k to you ???



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