Fit Society

Spinach lemon cauliflower risotto with garlic prawns⠀

Spinach lemon cauliflower risotto with garlic prawns⠀


Spinach lemon cauliflower risotto with garlic prawns⠀
This insanely creamy Spinach Lemon Cauliflower Rice Risotto is all things delicious. It’s made with sauteed cauliflower and a healthy cauliflower cream sauce (dairy-free or regular, your choice!) and has lots of fresh lemon flavor. Top with some spicy garlic prawns for a simple to make dinner everyone will love!⠀
1 tablespoon olive oil⠀
1 medium onion, finely minced⠀
36 ounce Cauliflower “Rice” ⠀
1 cup vegetable broth ⠀
5 ounces baby spinach⠀
1 cup milk~1 cup white cheddar cheese ~1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese~1 teaspoon sea salt ~Juice of 1 lemon⠀
OPTION 2: DAIRY-FREE LEMON CREAM SAUCE 1 1/2 cups vegetable broth~1 cup raw cashews or pine nuts 1 tablespoon nutritional yeast~1 teaspoon sea salt~Juice of 1 lemon⠀
THE GARLIC CHILI PRAWNS 1 tablespoon olive oil or butter 2 garlic cloves, very finely minced 1 lb. uncooked, peeled prawns (tail on or off, your choice) 1/2 teaspoon paprika A pinch of chili flakes and sea salt⠀
Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Add the onion and cook until it is transparent, about 3-4 minutes. Add the cauliflower and broth and bring to a boil. Cook the cauliflower, stirring occasionally, until it is soft, about 8 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat. If you’re using the Cheesy Lemon Cream Sauce: Remove 2 cups of the cauliflower and add it to your blender with the milk. Blend on high until smooth. Add the cheddar, parmesan, sea salt and lemon juice and blend again until the cheese has melted. If you’re using the Dairy-Free Lemon Cream Sauce: Remove 2 cups of the cauliflower and add it to your blender with the cashews, nutritional yeast, sea salt, and lemon juice and blend on high until smooth. Add the spinach to the cauliflower rice and put the pan back on the heat. Let the spinach wilt then pour in the sauce you made and let it heat through. Either serve right away or set it aside while you make the garlic chili prawns.



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Hatice Demir

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