Vegan Meals

Spaghetti Quinoa Balls! [mushroom mixture] by @mymeatlessmeals⠀ • 250 g portobe…

Spaghetti Quinoa Balls!  [mushroom mixture] by @mymeatlessmeals⠀
• 250 g portobe…


Spaghetti Quinoa Balls! ? [mushroom mixture] by @mymeatlessmeals⠀
• 250 g portobello mushrooms • 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary • 4-5 leaves of sage⠀
• 1 tsp onion powder⠀
• 1/2 tsp garlic powder⠀
• 1 tsp paprika⠀
• 2 pieces sub dried tomatoes⠀
– blend/ purée all ingredients together and sauté in a pan on medium low heat for about 7-10 minutes to get rid of all the moisture and prevents the balls to fall apart while being cooked. When done, allow to cool completely before adding to the rest of the ingredients in the followings:⠀
• 2 cups cooked quinoa (I use red quinoa), ground (using food processor)⠀
• 150 g cooked potatoes, peeled and mashed⠀
• 1 cup vegan breadcrumbs • 1/4 cup nutritional yeast⠀
? ⠀
1. Mix the mushroom mixture with ground quinoa, breadcrumbs, mashed potatoes, and nutritional yeast. ⠀
2. Once everything is well combined, form 16-20 balls. ⠀
3. You can either dust the balls with flour or you can just fry, bake them right away.⠀
4. Cook them in marinara sauce or your favourite pasta sauce before serving. (I shallow fried them in a pan before adding my favourite pasta sauce, and cooked spaghetti).⠀
5. Indulge. ?⠀
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