Sweet Deals

[Werbung] Good morning lovelys . There is creamy coconut milk rice with hot …

[Werbung] Good morning lovelys . There is creamy coconut milk rice with hot …


(Advertisement) Good morning, dear ones ?. There is creamy coconut milk rice @reishunger with hot cherries ?Because my last milk rice picture was more about cherries, I decided to do so today ?.
Have a good start to the day?
, (Milk rice box) * @reishunger
Cooking rice pudding with coconut milk, sweetened with palm sugar and milk rice seasoning! All of this is in this box! ?
In addition hot cherries which I thickened with a little custard powder ?.
I got my photo background / background from @foodyboard. My absolute favorites ?.
#highcarb #foodie #bestofvegan #gloobyfood #eathealthy #rezepte #foodphotography #breakfast #gutenmorgen # healthy breakfast # breakfast love #absaremadeinthekitchen #chocolade #berries #cleaneating #protein #fitnessfood #sweettooth #healthylifestyle # breakfast #kuchen #eserrmilchpice # #your stone #foodporn



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