Vegan Meals

Spaghetti Lovers Soup Noodles in a creamy tomato soupy sauce. I pureed some whit…

Spaghetti Lovers Soup Noodles in a creamy tomato soupy sauce. I pureed some whit…


Spaghetti Lovers Soup ❤️?❤️?❤️Noodles in a creamy tomato soupy sauce. I pureed some white beans with cashews for the cream for some extra dairy-free deliciousness. Hope you enjoy… I know my daughter did I caught her licking the bowl ?? What you Need:For The Bean Cream: 1-15 oz can of Cannellini beans drained & rinsed, 1/4 cup cashews (boil cashews 10 min to soften if you do not have a high speed blender), 2 tbl nutritional yeast, 1 cup veggie broth, 1 tbl apple cider vinegar, 2 tsp neutral oil, 1/2 tsp salt For The Soup: 2 tbl olive oil, 2 tbl vegan butter, 1 yellow onion finely chopped, 2 carrots finely diced (1 cup), 3 celery finely diced (1 cup), 1 tsp crushed red pepper, 2 tbl Italian seasoning, 2 garlic cloves minced, 2 tsp tomato paste, 1 tbl coconut sugar, salt/pepper, 28 oz crushed tomatoes, 1 bay leaf, 2 cups veggie broth, 9 oz spaghetti Soup Toppings: 1/4 cup chopped parsley, 1/4 cup chopped basil
1️⃣In a blender combine cream ingredients, blend in high till smooth. Set aside
2️⃣Heat oil/butter on high, then add onion, carrot, celery, heat on med/med low for, add some salt/pepper, cook until onion is translucent & veggies have shrunk up a bit about 5-7 min. Then add seasoning, cook 2 more min until you smell a nice aroma
3️⃣Add garlic & tomato paste, mix until veggies are all coated &paste darkens heat 2 min.Then add sugar, crushed tomatoes, veggie broth, bay leaf, & white bean cream. Bring to a boil then simmer on low 20 min with pot covered, stirring occasionally
4️⃣ While sauce is simmering, cook spaghetti in well salted boiling water till al dente. Reserving 1 cup pasta water before draining
5️⃣Remove bay leaf from soup, adjust seasonings, you can blend soup with immersion blender for a smoother broth, add reserved pasta water to adjust thickness. Divide pasta into bowls. ladle over soup, add fresh herbs if desired. Enjoy!!



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