Fit Society




It’s been a while since we last had CHINESE cauliflower “no fried” RICE & CASHEW CHICKEN STIR FRY ?????? And it did not disappoint ?????? ⠀
Asian cashew sauce:⠀
1/4 cup coconut aminos ⠀
2 tablespoons Tamari (or soy sauce)⠀
1 tablespoon cashew butter (optional)⠀
2 tablespoons rice vinegar ⠀
1 teaspoon sriracha (optional) ⠀
Garlic ⠀
In a medium size bowl, whisk sauce ingredients together. Reserve half of the sauce in a separate bowl to be used later. Place diced organjc chicken tenders in a tupp, cover with sauce and place in the fridge (I marinated mine for 15-30 minutes, the longer chicken marinades, the tastier it will be???!). In the meantime, chop and sautee veggies. Drizzle avocado oil on a pan, add garlic, onions, carrots, cabbage, or your fave veggies and cook until soft and tender. Top it off with Asian ginger dressing or you may use Add to a bowl full of spinach.⠀
? Chinese “no fried” cauliflower rice ⠀
On a pan, sautée onions and cauliflower rice. Season well with Tamari or soy sauce, coconut aminos and umami seasoning. Cook for a few. Push rice to side of the pan, crack an egg on the pan, scramble it then incorporate it into the cauli rice ??? For the chicken, simply cook on a pan, add sauce at the end + cashews enjoy with sesame seeds and avocado!?



Yazar Hakkında

Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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