Fit Society

Ratatouille Recipe

Ratatouille Recipe


Ratatouille ?? This looks like a plant-based optical illusion!⠀

Recipe ✨ ⠀
For the base:⠀
2-3 fresh tomatoes, pureed with a pinch of sea salt⠀⠀
2 Tbsp olive oil, divided⠀⠀
3 tsp fresh herbs, finely chopped⠀⠀
1 shallot, finely chopped⠀⠀
1 garlic clove, finely chopped⠀⠀
1 Asian eggplant⠀⠀
1 long, skinny zucchini⠀⠀
1 long, skinny yellow summer squash⠀⠀
20 cherry tomatoes⠀⠀
1⁄2 orange bell pepper, deseeded⠀⠀
Sea salt and pepper⠀
•Preheat oven to 400°F. Pour tomato puree, 1 Tablespoon of olive oil and half of⠀⠀
the chopped fresh herbs into a baking dish. Stir in the chopped shallot and garlic.⠀⠀
Season with salt and pepper.⠀⠀
•Using a mandolin, or a really sharp knife, thinly and evenly, slice the vegetables. Make the slices thin, about 1/8’ (3mm) thick. The thinner, the better!⠀⠀
•Make mini-stacks of about 20 slices in sequence. Arrange a few stacks at a time into the prepared baking dish in a concentric spiral from the outer edge to the inside, fanning them out a bit so that you can see the top 1/8” of all the slices. “Stand” them up a little, so you can it as many vegetable slices in as possible, but you may still have some leftover veggies. Save the smaller rounds for the center of the dish.⠀⠀
•Drizzle with the remaining tablespoon of olive oil and season with more salt and pepper. Sprinkle the remaining chopped herbs. Cover the dish with a piece of parchment paper cut to it just inside the dish rim, directly on top of the vegetable arrangement.⠀⠀
•Bake for 40 minutes -1 hour (depending on how thick your vegetable slices are), until vegetables are soft, but not limp. Serve this easy, yet impressive dish with pride! Enjoy!



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Hatice Demir

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