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Pink Swirl Pancakes for brekky Felt like making my non-girly girls a girly break…

Pink Swirl Pancakes for brekky
Felt like making my non-girly girls a girly break…


?Pink Swirl Pancakes for brekky
Felt like making my non-girly girls a girly breakfast! Two of my girls live in soccer clothing (though they hardly play soccer) and the other likes boho dresses only. Pink is not ‘cool’ any more. I miss pink. .
Process 1 c rolled oats until like flour. Add the ground oats, 1.5 banana, 1 1/4 c plant/any milk, 1 scoop protein powder and 2 tsp pumpkin spice to high speed blender and mix until smooth. Divide into 2 equal bowls. Add beet powder to one until you are happy with amount of ‘pinkness’. (This stuff does not taste like beets in this amount btw. Just a nice way to add color.)
When cooking, put a large spoonful of plain mixture into heated skillet, a smaller spoon of pink mixture on top, followed by another even smaller spoon of plain mixture on top and swirl with toothpick. (There may be a better way to make swirls, but this improvised method worked for me.)
Served with coconut yogurt and fruit.

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