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PB&Chia Jelly Roll-ups When I was a child I used to love those supermarket pre-p…

PB&Chia Jelly Roll-ups
When I was a child I used to love those supermarket pre-p…


?PB&Chia Jelly Roll-ups?
When I was a child I used to love those supermarket pre-packaged chocolate or jelly crepe rolls. I’ve been dreaming of making my own version to satisfy my recent cravings. Finally got round to it. I find I’m constantly creating healthy recipes in my head that would satisfy my unhealthy food cravings. Most get lost somewhere but some actually materialize. Can you relate to this?
Mix 1/2c spelt flour, 1/2c oat flour, 1c plant milk, 3tbsp oil, 1/2tsp vanilla, pinch salt. Cook on griddle/skillet. (I made the crepes a little thicker than usual to support the toppings.).
?Chia Jam
Heat 1 lb frozen fruit in saucepan with 2 Tbsp lemon juice. Mash with side of spatula or potato masher until broken down. Remove from heat. Add sweetener if desired. Add 2-3 Tbsp Chia seeds. Leave to sit 10 mins. Refrigerate up to 2 weeks.
?Spread layer of nut butter over entire crepe. Then spread layer of chia jam. Roll up.
#chiajam #crepes #vegancrepes #eatclean #cleaneats #eatrealfood #veganeats #whatveganseat #vegansofig #govegan #poweredbyplants #plantpowered #healthyfoodie #healthyfoodshare #nycfoodie #icapturefood #heresmyfood #healthybreakfast #healthyrecipes #indianmoms #breakfastideas #breakfastlovers #feedfeed #buzzfeast #foods4thought #ahealthynut #feedfeed #bestofvegan #letscookvegan #beautifulcuisines @wholefoods @thefeedfeed @a.healthy.nut



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