Food Minimalist

What kind of pancakes do you like? These are Fluffy Lemon Pancakes drizzled off …

What kind of pancakes do you like? These are Fluffy Lemon Pancakes drizzled off …


What kind of pancakes do you like? These are Fluffy Lemon Pancakes drizzled off with maple syrup ? I’ve been working on this recipe and I’m really loving how lemon gives this unique tangy flavor to the usual sweet pancakes. It’s also only made with a few really basic ingredients! I can easily whip up the batter in 5 minutes. This recipe will be on the “sweets and desserts” section of my #TFTFebook which still needs a lot of work because if you guys can see, I don’t bake/cook sweet stuff as much as I do savory dishes! But this 2019, I want to get more creative and work on my on one of weaknesses which is baking. ?
Anyway, I hope you all have a great 2019 ahead! Enjoying the last few days of my break before I start the last semester of my college life.✨
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