Food Minimalist

Pan-roasted mushrooms with pasta, shallots, thyme and crème fraîche. ___________…

Pan-roasted mushrooms with pasta, shallots, thyme and crème fraîche.


Pan-roasted mushrooms with pasta, shallots, thyme and crème fraîche.
Pre-heat a cast iron pan on high, add some duck fat or grapeseed oil and heat until slightly smoking. Add ½-1 lbs. sliced mushrooms (cremini or regular white mushrooms work well) to pan in a single layer. Cook undisturbed until any liquid has evaporated and the bottoms are slightly golden, about 4-5 minutes. Toss in a chopped shallot and a couple sprigs of fresh thyme. Stir mixture around and reduce heat to medium or med-high if needed. When everything is fragrant and golden-ish, add in a generous splash of white wine, stir and deglaze the pan.
Add in about ¼ cup of crème fraîche, stir and let it melt for about 30 sec to sort of form a sauce. Toss in cooked pasta and a little pasta cooking water if needed to loosen things up. Season with salt, pepper, chili pepper flakes. Before serving, stir in some chopped parsley and a squeeze of lemon. Serve with more crème fraîche if you’d like!



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