Vegan Meals

Avocado & Mango sliced, diced, curled, and pixelated on rye topped with Trader J…

Avocado & Mango sliced, diced, curled, and pixelated on rye topped with Trader J…


Avocado & Mango sliced, diced, curled, and pixelated on rye topped with Trader Joe’s everything but the bagel sesame seasoning (um, obsessed) A classic and delicious combo.
I had this for an after-work snack, and I was going to #latergram this tomorrow, but the lovely, super creative and talented Silvia @scecco_food.for.thought just posted and said it was #nationalavocadoday!!!!!!! Check Silvia out too, she made the most beautiful avo heart to celebrate ???



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Hatice Demir

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