Vegan Meals

Pan-fried Daikon radish buns (Luo Bo Si Bing ‘蘿蔔絲餅’), popular Taiwanese street f…

Pan-fried Daikon radish buns (Luo Bo Si Bing ‘蘿蔔絲餅’), popular Taiwanese street f…


Pan-fried Daikon radish buns? (Luo Bo Si Bing ‘蘿蔔絲餅’), popular Taiwanese street food that is filled with delicious Daikon wrapped in a soft homemade dough & then pan-fried until golden brown. Served mine on a beautifully? crafted semi-shiny glazed Sunburst plate from @food52 that is chip-resistant & dishwasher safe #sponsored⁣

Recipe (yields 9 buns)⁣
?Dough Ingredients:⁣
~ 300g all-purpose flour⁣
~ 1 cup hot water⁣
~ a pinch of salt⁣
~ 7 cups of shredded daikon radish (about 800g with skin on)⁣
~ 8oz firm tofu – drained, cubed & pan-fried⁣
~ 1/2 cup chopped King oyster mushrooms, 1/4 cup shredded carrot & chopped cilantro⁣
~ rock sugar/sugar⁣
~ oil⁣
?Seasoning: 1.5 tablespoons soy sauce (separated), 2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil, 1 teaspoon white pepper, a pinch of sugar, salt to taste⁣ ⁣✅To make the dough, mix flour & salt in a large bowl until well combined. Attach a dough hook to the mixer & while the mixer is running in low-medium speed, slowly add in hot water & knead until a soft dough forms. Let the dough rest for 15 minutes, covered. Meanwhile, place daikon in a saucepan & cook over medium heat with a few rock sugar/1 teaspoon sugar until almost translucent. Set aside to cool.⁣
✅In a heated non-stick pan with 1 teaspoon oil, saute mushrooms & carrots for 2 minutes & add in tofu cubes. Season with 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce, a pinch of salt & set aside. Squeeze all the liquid out from the daikon and mix it together with tofu, cilantro and all seasoning in a bowl.⁣
✅To make the buns, roll the dough into a log & divide it into 9 pieces. Flatten each one with your palm and roll it into a round wrapper. Place 3-4 tablespoons filling in the middle, pleat to seal and press down with palm to slightly flatten it.⁣ ✅To cook the buns – steps continue in the comment ??
#f52grams #friendsof52 #taiwanesefood #streetfood #daikon #woonheng



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