Fit Society

paleo sweet potato biscuit out of the freezer, topped it with some grass fed butter, and paired it with some scrambled eggs and avo

paleo sweet potato biscuit out of the freezer, topped it with some grass fed butter, and paired it with some scrambled eggs and avo


Pulled a paleo sweet potato biscuit out of the freezer, topped it with some grass fed butter, and paired it with some scrambled eggs and avo ? Was so tempted to combine it into a sandwich but went with separates and it was delicious ? ⠀
These sweet potato biscuits are one of my favorite recipes I’ve ever made ? Paleo and made with only 6 ingredients ??They’ve got the best biscuit texture ? And they’ve got my favorite ingredient: sweet potato ? I’ve had them sweet and savory and they’re delicious both ways ?? Plus you can freeze the extras and reheat them in the toaster and it’s good as new ?? With a slice of warm butter- you just can’t go wrong ? A rainy Thursday morning has never looked better ? Hope you guys have a great day! ? ⠀
breakfast details ?? Paleo sweet potato biscuits (link in bio if you search “sweet potato biscuit” on my blog and I’ll link in my stories!) with some @organicvalley grass fed butter + 2 eggs scrambled in a little ghee + 1/2 avocado with everything but the bagel seasoning



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