Fit Society

Need a new dinner idea? I got you covered with this simple dinner idea of red pe…

Need a new dinner idea? I got you covered with this simple dinner idea of red pe…


Need a new dinner idea? I got you covered with this simple dinner idea of red pesto shrimp, lentil pasta with sautéed veggies ?
I love doing seafood on the weekends or as a fresh cooked dinner as it doesn’t meal prep quite as well as other foods. This delicious, healthy recipe is by my good friend, @livevitae (check out his recipe page). What I love about this seafood dinner is it has all the right components for a satisfying meal: ✔️Protein ✔️Carbs ✔️ Veggies ✔️ Easy Quick to Cook ✔️ Nutrient dense ✔️ TASTY AF ?⠀
Start to finish = 15 minutes⠀
Serving 1 (feel free to double)⠀
I used frozen shrimp to save some money too.⠀
458 calories⠀
Protein 46 Carbs 46 Fat 10⠀
• 1 cup lentil pasta (I mixed red + green)⠀
• 200 grams peeled shrimp / prawns⠀
• Handful asparagus⠀
• 1 garlic clove – finely sliced⠀
• 1 courgette / zucchini⠀
• 1/2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil or avocado oil⠀
• 1 tbsp Red Pepper + tomato pesto (quality store bought is totally cool checking for inflammatory fats like canola / veg oil)⠀
How the magic happens:⠀
1: Heat wide saucepan on medium heat with 1/2 the oil⠀
2: Bring a saucepan to boil with water for the pasta. (Add a pinch of salt to stop pasta sticking)⠀
3. Slice the asparagus + courgette at an diagonal in strips. Add to the pan, turn heat up slightly.⠀
4. Add the pasta to boiling water then bring to a gentle simmer. It cooks in 8mins.⠀
5. Once vegetables are lightly brown and nearly cooked through remove to a plate.⠀
6. Add the other 1/2 of oil. Add the prawns to the pan and cook 2 minutes per side.⠀
7. Add the veggies back in and add the pesto.⠀
8. Cook through another 2 minutes.⠀
9. Serve with fresh basil over the top.⠀
This is a delicious meal which is high in both protein and carb. Quality nutrients such as DHA, iodine, selenium and zinc in addition to potassium in the veggies.⠀


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Hatice Demir

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