Vegan Meals

Miso Pesto Potstickers I found VEGAN wonton wrappers for the first time at my l…

Miso Pesto Potstickers  I found VEGAN wonton wrappers for the first time at my l…


Miso Pesto Potstickers ???? I found VEGAN wonton wrappers for the first time at my local @wholefoods ???, bought a package & celebrated with my fam by making these tasty dumplings. The filling is inspired by a flavor combination I saw in @bonappetitmag for miso pesto ramen & I adapted it. Enjoy and Happy Tuesday!!
What you need: 1 block extra firm tofu pressed, 2 cups baby spinach, 1/4 cup packed cilantro, 1/4 cup pine nuts (sub walnuts), 1 clove garlic, 1 tbl white miso dissolved in 3 tbl warm water, 2 tbl neutral oil, 2 tsp toasted sesame oil, 2 green onions finely chopped, 40 ct vegan wonton wrappers, juice of 1/2 lemon, salt/pepper to taste
What you do:
1️⃣Crumble tofu in large mixing bowl using hands or back of fork
2️⃣In a food processor, pulse spinach, cilantro, pine nuts, & garlic, until finely chopped. Then add mix to tofu crumbles
3️⃣ Add dissolved miso, neutral and sesame oils, green onion, lemon, & salt/pepper to taste. Mix well
4️⃣ Time to make the dumplings: clear a work space, have wrappers covered with damp towel so they don’t dry out, a small bowl of water, a parchment lined baking sheet to place the formed dumplings, & damp towel to cover them
5️⃣ Place 1 packed level tbl of filling in the center of wrapper, lightly wet edges, fold dumpling into a triangle shape pressing out any trapped air & firmly pressing with fingertips. take two corners of the triangle, dab with water, and pull them around to join them together, again pressing with fingertips to seal.Place on baking sheet. Cover. Repeat.
6️⃣ On stovetop using non stick pan, over medium high heat, add enough oil to coat pan, fry dumplings until golden about 2-3 min, lower heat to med add 1/4 cup water (be careful) cover & steam 5 min. Enjoy with your favorite dipping sauce!! ???



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Hatice Demir

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