Fit Society

Low Carb Bell Pepper Nachos

Low Carb Bell Pepper Nachos


Low Carb Bell Pepper Nachos ⠀
Such a FUN Appetizer + Snack idea!⠀
Made these with the kids this afternoon to satisfy our afternoon nacho craving.⠀

Super, super DELICIOUS! ⠀
Makes about 24 nacho boats ⠀
Serving size: 2-3 per person ⠀
1.5 lbs lean ground turkey or grass fed beef ⠀
1 small yellow onion, diced ⠀
1 small jalapeno pepper, seeded and diced very tiny⠀
1.5 tsps. cumin ⠀
1 tsp. chili powder⠀
1/4 tsp garlic powder ⠀
1/4 tsp fresh ground black pepper⠀
1/4 tsp sea salt, or to taste ⠀
1.5 cups chunky salsa, all natural, low sugar ⠀
1/3 cup grated cheddar/jack cheese ⠀
4 bell peppers, mixed colors ⠀
Optional “nacho” topping ideas: sliced jalepenos, diced avocado, Greek yogurt, sliced green onions, and/or cilantro leaves.⠀


Preheat your oven to 375 degrees f.⠀

Remove the seeds, and membranes from your bell peppers then slice each one into 4-6 verticle pieces as shown (depends on the size of your bell peppers)⠀
I tried to slice them along the natural folds to keep little pockets/boats for my toppings.⠀

Set sliced bell peppers pocket side up on a large parchment lined sheet pan.⠀

Brown ground turkey over medium-high heat in a large saute pan, breaking up with a wooden spoon as it cooks. ⠀
Add in onions, garlic, and diced jalapenos.⠀
Cook until the turkey is cooked through. Drain off grease if necessary.⠀

Stir spices and salsa into your cooked turkey. Carefully spoon turkey mixture into the little bell pepper boats.⠀

Spoon a couple Tablespoons of water onto the baking sheet, this will help steam and soften the peppers a bit.⠀

Bake for about 12-15 minutes or until peppers are hot and just beginning to soften. I like mine still fairly crisp.⠀
Sprinkle tops lightly with cheese, and bake for another minute or two until cheese is melty.⠀

Sprinkle with any toppings of choice, and enjoy immediately. ❤Rachel



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