Fit Society

Lemon Herb Mediterranean Chicken Salad

Lemon Herb Mediterranean Chicken Salad


?Lemon Herb Mediterranean Chicken Salad?⠀

2 tablespoons olive oil⠀
juice of 1 lemon (1/4 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice)⠀
2 tablespoons water⠀
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar⠀
2 tablespoons fresh chopped parsley⠀
2 teaspoons dried basil⠀
2 teaspoons garlic, minced⠀
1 teaspoon dried oregano⠀
1 teaspoon salt⠀
cracked pepper, to taste⠀
(1 pound | 500 g) 4 skinless, boneless chicken thigh fillets (or chicken breasts)⠀
4 cups Romaine (or Cos) lettuce leaves, washed & dried⠀
1 large cucumber, diced⠀
2 Roma tomatoes, diced⠀
1 red onion, sliced⠀
1 avocado, sliced⠀
⅓ cup pitted Kalamata olives (or black olives), sliced (optional)⠀
Lemon wedges, to serve⠀
Whisk together all of the marinade/dressing ingredients in a large jug. Pour out half of the marinade into a large, shallow dish. Refrigerate the remaining marinade to use as the dressing later.⠀
Add the chicken to the marinade in the bowl; marinade chicken for 15-30 minutes (or up to two hours in the refrigerator if time allows). While waiting for the chicken, prepare all of the salad ingredients & mix in a large salad bowl.⠀
Once chicken is ready, heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a grill pan or a grill plate over medium-high heat. Grill chicken on both sides until browned & completely cooked through.⠀
Allow chicken to rest for 5 minutes; slice & arrange over salad. Drizzle salad w/ the remaining dressing. Serve w/ lemon wedges.⠀
Add ½ cup crumbled feta to give the salad an even better flavour!⠀
Serving size: per serve Calories: 471 Fat: 36.3g Saturated fat: 7.9g Carbohydrates: 14.8g Sugar: 4.4g Sodium: 770mg Fiber: 6.3g Protein: 23.7g Net Carbs: 10.4g



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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