Food Minimalist

I’ve been away for a bit! Looking forward to checking out everyone’s recent crea…

I’ve been away for a bit! Looking forward to checking out everyone’s recent crea…


I’ve been away for a bit! Looking forward to checking out everyone’s recent creations, and getting inspired ??? The time away was spent relaxing and visiting with dear friends from across the country, in beautiful Dallas! This is a roasted butternut squash and apple dish, topped with dried cranberries, parsley, sauteed onion & garlic and chopped cashews over quinoa flavored with lemon juice, olive oil and garlic powder. ???? .
Simply roast one small butternut squash in avocado or coconut oil with salt, pepper, parsley, Italian seasoning and sage. When not quite fork tender, add in a chopped apple. Combine with 1/2 sauteed onion and several cloves garlic, 1/3 cup dried cranberries and 1/3 cup chopped cashews. Serve over cooked quinoa with a healthy dose of lemon juice and olive oil and add fresh parsley!??
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