Fit Society

Healthy Toast Ideas

Healthy Toast Ideas


Having a toast party over here this morning ? Super similar breakfast to yesterday but with toast ?? Don’t make me pick if I like toast or pancakes more ? Just depends on what’s right in front of me ?-⠀
Eli missed out on the pancake platter yesterday so we had a toast platter today ? Topping toasts a bunch of ways always feels more complicated than it is. I like to keep the toppings simple and minimal cooking so things go quicker. I kept all the toppings plant based too because we’re trying to eat more plant based meals over here ? Especially when you can make easy switches like using coconut oil instead of ghee/butter and not adding an egg or honey to the toasts ?? Now we’re getting ready for church on this rainy Sunday morning ? Hope you guys have some better weather than us! -⠀
breakfast details ?? 3 slices of @traderjoes sourdough topped 3 ways: with @aldiusa Pb and frozen blueberries. Sautéed spinach, mushrooms, and 1/2 mashed avocado. More Pb and caramelized bananas (cooked in coconut oil and sprinkled with cinnamon. Cook for 1 minute on each side).



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Hatice Demir

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