Fit Society

Healthy Breakfast Plans

Healthy Breakfast Plans


Another meal prepped savory breakfast over here ???‍♀️ I know I’ve been showing this meal a lot recently but I always show what I eat in real time so sometimes it’s a repeat of easy meal prepped breakfasts ? But luckily eating this once a week hasn’t gotten old ? ⠀
Threw together this easy savory bowl to eat this morning to save time on breakfast ?? Only takes 10 minutes to make (10 mins for the sweet potatoes, 7 mins for the eggs) and as much as I love my bars and yogurts- if I can I’d rather take the time to make one of these ? Keeps me full longer and I just look forward to it more ?? I’ve got another bridal shower this afternoon in my hometown and I can’t wait to see everyone ❤️ Going to be a good day over here! Have a wonderful Sunday you guys! ? ⠀
breakfast details ?? 1 egg (+ 1 not pictured) boiled for 7 mins then put in cold water to cool down before peeling + 1 sweet potato cut into slices and broiled at 500F for 10-12 mins on the bottom shelf + 1/2 avocado with @traderjoes everything but the bagel seasoning



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Hatice Demir

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