Fit Society

Have you had stuffed baked sweet potato before?.

Have you had stuffed baked sweet potato before?.


Have you had stuffed baked sweet potato before?⠀

These Baked Sweet Potatoes are loaded with plant-based goodness, including tandoori spiced chickpeas and guacamole ? A wholesome vegan dinner that’s simple and satisfying!⠀

Recipe ✨⠀
Chickpeas: Drain and rinse 1-15oz can chickpeas. (Optional: Toss chickpeas in a little olive oil before adding the spices.) Rub chickpeas with generous amount of tandoori masala seasoning, or substitute with other spices/herbs like smoked paprika, ancho chili, chipotle, cayenne, garlic powder, cumin, chili powder, turmeric and make your own combo. Add salt to taste. Roast at 400F until crispy (about 20 minutes). Use fork to remove a little of the center of 3 baked sweet potatoes (sliced open) and load with chickpeas.⠀

Easy guacamole: mix together 3 very ripe avocados (mashed), juice 1 lime, 2 finely grated garlic cloves, salt to taste. Add dollop of guacamole to top of chickpeas and add a drizzle of tahini and red chili flakes. Enjoy!



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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