Fit Society

Green Curry A Coconut Bowl packed with goodness!⠀

Green Curry A Coconut Bowl packed with goodness!⠀


Delicious and easy to prepare Green Curry ?? A Coconut Bowl packed with goodness!⠀

Recipe ✨⠀
Express Green Curry 15-20 minutes:⠀
· 1/2 broccoli⠀
· 1 zucchini⠀
· 15 brussels sprouts⠀
· 1/2 can of chickpeas⠀
· 2 handfull of spinach⠀
· 2 small spoons of Green Curry paste⠀
· 1 can of coconut milk⠀
· Olive oil to spray the pan⠀
· Fresh corriander and lime⠀

Heat the pan, spray it and add Curry Paste. Once you smell the paste add coconut milk and bring it to boil. Add broccoli, zucchini andbrussels sprouts and cook with lid on for 15 min. Add spinach and chickpeas for 1 minute. Enjoy!!!



Yazar Hakkında

Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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