Fit Society




Succulent Firecracker Salmon recipe, flakey and tender on the inside with crispy edges. A hint of garlic, ginger, soy sauce and optional brown sugar make up one of the best sauces to cook your salmon fillets in. But it’s the red chili flakes and sriracha sauce that gives this salmon recipe its reputation!⠀
Full recipe with directions can be found on @cafedelites blog. Link is in her bio!⠀
Serves: 4⠀
1 teaspoon minced garlic⠀
1/2 teaspoon minced ginger⠀
1 tablespoon olive oil⠀
1 tablespoons low sodium low soy sauce⠀
2 tablespoons Heinz chili sauce (substitute with Buffalo sauce or hot sauce to suit your heat preference)⠀
1 teaspoon brown sugar (or brown sugar substitute) — OPTIONAL⠀
pinch of crushed red chili flakes⠀
1-2 teaspoons sriracha (adjust to suit your heat preference)⠀
4 skin off salmon fillets⠀
Salt and pepper to season⠀
1/2 teaspoon paprika (mild, smoky or spicy)⠀
1/4 cup chives chopped



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