Fit Society

Firecracker Chicken

Firecracker Chicken


Firecracker Chicken

In this dish I use chicken breasts which is a change up from my usual chicken thighs. You could certainly use chicken thighs in this recipe and it would probably come out better but you know, variety or whatever. When I cook chicken breast for meal prepping I don’t like to cut it into chunks like I do with the thighs. There isn’t enough fat in the breasts to stay moist enough after cutting and leaving it in a bigger piece helps it retain some moisture as long as you don’t overcook it. To prevent overcooking, I like to butterfly the breast or pound it to about 1/4” thickness so it cooks more evenly. ⁣

When cooking watery vegetables like zucchini I find it works best to cook them just until they start to soften up. You have to remember these meals will be reheated in the microwave so you don’t want to cook them too much the first time through otherwise they are going to be mush. ⁣

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