Fit Society

DIY mini toaster waffles topped with creamy PB, strawberries, and coconut

DIY mini toaster waffles topped with creamy PB, strawberries, and coconut


Yesterday’s DIY toaster waffle Wednesday is today’s throwback Thursday ?? I was an Eggo girl when I was young, but the customizable make-it-yourself version is much more fun — especially when you make ‘em mini???.⠀
whatsonmyplate: DIY mini toaster waffles topped with creamy PB, strawberries, and coconut ?? ?? (I used the @happydaybrands keto pancake and waffle mix, but any mix works here) to make: prep pancake and waffle mix according to package directions and use a mini waffle maker (linked in my stories) to make the waffs. Store extras in ziplock bags and freeze until ready to use. Reheat in a toaster as you would Eggos •• fluffy scrambled eggs ? (there’s a cooking tutorial for these in the story highlights at the top of my page ?) •• arugula ? •• sautéed cremini mushrooms •• avocado.



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