Fit Society

Crispy Fried Ravioli with Tomato dip!⠀

Crispy Fried Ravioli with Tomato dip!⠀


Here’s a crunchy snack to tantalise your tastebuds! ? Crispy Fried Ravioli with Tomato dip!⠀

50g Of flour⠀⠀
75 ml soy milk⠀⠀
1 tsp. mustard⠀⠀
2 tsp. vegetable spices (or spices of choice) ⠀⠀
50g breadcrumbs⠀⠀
2-3 tbsp. yeast flakes⠀⠀
1tsp. pepper powder⠀⠀
For the Panade:⠀⠀
Whisk together 50g Of flour, 75 ml soy milk, 1 tsp. mustard and 2 tsp. vegetable spices (or spices of choice) in a deep plate.⠀⠀
In a second deep plate add 50g breadcrumbs, 2-3 tbsp. yeast flakes, 1tsp. peppers powder and 1 tsp. vegetable spices. ⠀⠀
Mix pasta or vegetables into the liquid mixture from both sides, then roll in the breadcrumbs mixture and fry over a medium heat. Enjoy!



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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