Fit Society

Creamy Garlic Butter Tuscan Shrimp

Creamy Garlic Butter Tuscan Shrimp


Creamy Garlic Butter Tuscan Shrimp coated in a light and creamy sauce filled with garlic, sun dried tomatoes and spinach! Packed with incredible flavours!⠀
Full recipe with directions, as well as many more like it, can be found on @cafedelites blog. Link is in her bio!⠀
Servings: 4 people⠀
2 tablespoons salted butter⠀
6 cloves garlic, finely diced⠀
1 pound (500 g) shrimp (or prawns), tails on or off⠀
1 small yellow onion, diced⠀
1/2 cup white wine (OPTIONAL)⠀
5 oz (150 g) jarred sun dried tomato strips in oil, drained (reserve 1 teaspoon of the jarred oil for cooking)⠀
1 3/4 cups half and half SEE NOTES⠀
Salt and pepper, to taste⠀
3 cups baby spinach leaves, washed⠀
2/3 cup fresh grated Parmesan cheese⠀
1 teaspoon cornstarch (cornflour) mixed with 1 tablespoons of water (optional)***⠀
2 teaspoons dried Italian herbs⠀
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped



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