Fit Society

Could you eat an omelet everyday for breakfast?⠀.⠀Omelet stuffed with sautéed …

Could you eat an omelet everyday for breakfast?⠀.⠀Omelet stuffed with sautéed …


Could you eat an omelet everyday for breakfast?⠀
Omelet stuffed with sautéed mushrooms, spinach, and zucchini ? Haven’t made a stuffed omelet in ages and it was so tasty- especially paired with organic salsa and mashed avocado ?? ⠀
Used two organic eggs here- making an omelet is way faster than frying eggs ?First I sautéed my veggies- the best part of an omelet is being able to stuff them with any veggies you have on hand ? I highly recommend mushrooms though- idk why but they taste so good paired with eggs ? After having sweet breakfasts the past few days, this savory plate hit the spot ?? Adding the dips made it feel so fancy too ? Paired a piece of toast on the side because I craving it?? Hope you guys have a great Thursday!! ⠀
breakfast details ?? Omelet recipe: Whisked 2 eggs, heated a nonstick pan over low medium heat, added ghee, then added the eggs in. I let them cook until they were done all the way through without flipping then I added my sautéed veggies (I sautéed them before adding the eggs) and folded it in half ?? Paired with @aldiusa organic salsa + 1/2 mashed avocado⠀
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By @choosing_balance



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